The Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF), a world leader in helping challenged athletes get involved—and stay involved—in sports announces the launch of two of their premier fundraising events: CAF Million Dollar Challenge, Presented by Qualcomm—a seven-day, 620-mile fully supported cycling adventure down the California Coastline from October 16 to 22, 2010, and the 17th Anniversary Aspen Medical Products San Diego Triathlon Challenge—a 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike and 13.1-mile run distance triathlon and festival in La Jolla, California, on Sunday, October 24, 2010.
Both events raise more than $1 million each for CAF and help physically challenged individuals get off the side-lines and into the game.
CAF’s Aspen Medical Products San Diego Triathlon Challenge, a half-distance triathlon and festival, began almost two decades ago as a fundraiser to help a fellow injured triathlete and has grown into a celebration of life and sport that is making a difference in the lives of physically-challenged athletes around the world.
It is an event unlike any other in the world. Inspiration, perspiration and determination are the words of the day, as more than 125 of the world’s top physically-challenged athletes take on this grueling yet rewarding course alongside 550 able-bodied triathletes, celebrities and pros.
“The CAF event in San Diego is the greatest day in our sport,” said 2009 SDTC participant, professional triathlete and 2007 Ford Ironman World Champion, Chris McCormack. “What I experienced in San Diego with CAF was the most inspiring day of my life. To be a part of what this amazing Foundation does and how they change lives for people was so motivating; it gave me a purpose. I was inspired, and wanted to do more.”
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